Enhancing reading opportunities in international schools
Using a range of exciting methods, I want children to discover a life-long love of reading, using the most recent releases in modern children’s literature in German. The activities I have developed accommodate a range of ages, abilities and learning styles. Increasing curiosity in the numerous areas of literacy.
Due to my experiences in working with children from many different countries and my abilities to speak German, French and English, this process of learning can be multilingual. This will appeal to children who may be taking their first steps in German speaking and can be an excellent introduction to a new culture for expat families.
For younger children, there are opportunities to use illustrations and to handle objects that link directly to age appropriate texts. Children of nursery or kindergarten age right up to the end of primary school can complete projects based around their book preferences and are given opportunities to discuss these with each other. I also have an extensive range of literature that promotes philosophical discussion based on personal, social and health issues.
For older children, these skills are developed further. An emphasis is placed on the love of reading and the importance it holds in developing each individual child’s outlook on life and the choices that they make. Children will take part in exciting projects such as ‘Bücher-Casting’, ‘Book Slam®’ and ‘Blind Date mit Buch’.
If you would like more information about a personalised learning experience for your children, or if you would like to enhance your skills as a teacher through tailor-made professional development opportunities, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email at info@textpiraten.de or by phone on +49 177 49 11 700. You can also find me on facebook by searching ‘Textpiraten’.
Offre destinée aux écoles internationales
J’accompagne vos élèves dans l’apprentissage de la langue allemande à l’appui de projets littéraires sélectionnés par mes soins.
J’interviens auprès de structures scolaires et culturelles franco-allemandes et anglo-allemandes, que ce soit en Allemagne ou bien dans un des pays de l’U.E..
Mon offre pédagogique a pour but d’éveiller le plaisir à la lecture en allemand et soutenir l’échange interculturel.
Envie d’en savoir plus? Contactez-moi soit par email ou bien par téléphone:
E-Mail: info@textpiraten.de
Numéro de téléphone: +49 177 49 11 700
Facebook: Textpiraten